best ways to wash window

What Is The Best Ways To Wash Or Clean Windows?

Natural light coming out of clean windows in your space makes it more attractive or eye captivating. The sun rays coming into your area not only make it good in appearance but also keep you healthy. That’s why it is compulsory to clean your windows well. Remember one thing dirty windows mean no attraction and a variety of germs in your place that can make you ill. To super clean your windows, you should follow the best cleaning ways. The top and best ways are discussed below, continue reading to know them.

Best Way to Clean Windows

No matter what type your windows are, you can clean them well by following the ways that are discussed in this article. Check them out!

Distilled Water

Your windows can have streaks because of the hard water you use to clean the windows. If you constantly use the hard water, you will see the streaks never go away from your commercial or residential area windows. That’s why you should use distilled water for the cleaning process of your windows to acquire better results. The windows without any streaks make your place more attractive and better for others.

Use a Squeegee

If you are cleaning your windows with mountains of paper towels and washing solutions, it means you are wasting your time. The effective method to clean window glass is by using a squeegee of great quality. Use this squeegee to clean the windows from both interior and exterior sides. Try to remove the windows screens before washing them properly, if possible. These potent ways help you get neat and clean windows within your area.

Use Newspaper

Using a newspaper is another best way to clean windows in Australia of your commercial and residential areas. To clean the interior of windows newspaper is the best choice to go for. Before buying any rolls of tissue paper, you should try the newspaper. When you use the newspaper, you will see the best results. The windows with a newspaper look more clean and free of stains. Adding more, you can save your money by not buying any paper rolls or towels for cleaning.

Try Vinegar

You can use white vinegar to make your windows streak free. The water and vinegar solution should be in equal ratio for better results. Clean the windows of your house and see your radiant smile through the sparkling window glass. One more thing, do not worry about the smell of the vinegar because it goes away as soon as possible. To get more outclass results, you can also add soap to the solution. Now enjoy the outside view from your crystal clear windows.

Avoid Soap in More Quantity

Using soap for cleaning windows is not a good option. If you want to get rid of sticky stains from your windows, you can use the soap in a small quantity. When you see too much foam on the solution you have created, it means you have used too much soap. By using this too much soapy solution, you can only remove the grease from your windows, not the stains properly. It is commonly suggested to use soap sparingly for cleaning windows of your areas.

Never Spray Cleaner on Dirt

Remove the dirt from your windows using a brush. When you spray cleaner directly on dirty windows, it can become a muddy mess. Cleaning this mess can become very difficult for you. You can use the microfiber duster to clean the windows and then spray cleaner over it to clean the windows easily. Follow the same way for screens if they have a lot of dirt and debris. The perfectly clean windows give your place a captivating look.

Use Buff

To get rid of streaks from your windows, you can use a buff. For this purpose, you can use chamois or microfiber cloth to attain the best results for your windows. If these clothes are not available, you can also use soft cloth. The soft cloth will also do an amazing job and help in removing the stains or dirt from the windows of your place. Use this buff in a circular motion to make your windows free from any kind of dirt.

Never Put Window Cleaning Off

Do not put the window cleaning job off when you know how to get rid of stains easily. Keep the window cleaning in the list of priorities. The sparkly clean windows emit more light, freshness and relief. Adding more, you can also avoid various health problems by avoiding a buildup of bacteria or viruses. When you follow the right cleaning ways then this job is not tough for you. Follow all the above mentioned cleaning ways to get rid of dirt from your windows. Even after following everything, you fail. Then, you can hire our professional window cleaners Perth who are experts in doing the window cleaning task without facing any issues.